
 UAA 2013 Master Plan FINAL DRAFT

(UPDATE: January 30, 2014)

The UA Board of Regents  approved and adopted the UAA Campus Master Plan 2013 at their  meeting in Juneau on Sept. 26-27, 2013.  A copy of what was submitted is posted on the UAA Facilities Planning & Construction  Master Plan webpage. Please feel free to download a PDF of the final draft, or pull it onto your desktop to read at your convenience.

Thank you!




Preliminary Master Plan Framework

Please enjoy this interim report from the master planning team to the Board of Regents in March.

While you don't have the benefit of the in-person presenter's commentary, the slides are often self-explanatory, or would make great platforms for posting questions or ideas that you see embedded in the work.

You can download a PDF of this 30-page document here. And the image below is just one of the intriguing pages in the report, reflecting the brainstorming that happened during the student, faculty and staff brainstorming sessions around campus in October, 2012. Much of the plan's direction saw first light in these well-attended, opinionated campus sessions.

Please feel free to share your feedback by submitting your comments on our FEEDBACK page
White board loaded with ideas from campus work sessions. Click for larger view.

Historical Master Plans

This section contains links to older master plans created for UAA, as well as the campus Strategic Plan 2017. Follow these links to find a version you can read online, or download.
UAA area, circa 1988. Providence is center, UAA across street.